Evening at the Opera, Tuesdays at 8:00 pM

March 25

Barry Gold, The Italian Girl in Algiers. Barry explains that “the protagonist in L'Italiana in Algeri, Isabella, is a determined Italian lady who travels to Algiers to search for her lover Lindoro, kidnapped and held slave by Mustafa, the Bey of Algiers. Isabella's wit and charm prove too much for Mustafa and his retinue, and she is able to escape with Lindoro at the end, leaving the Bey fuming, but reconciled to his defeat. An opera known for its agility, comic presence, and rapid patter, it's one of Rossini's wittiest and most engaging operas, replete with some of the most charming arias, duets, and ensembles ever, from the hand of that master.”

April 1

Peter Shimkin: Hildegard Behrens, Biblical Operas

April 8

Mel Siegel, live: Frida Leider

April 15

Peter Shimkin: Two Ukrainian Nationalistic Operas

April 22

Mel Siegel: Gertrude Grob-Prandl

April 29

Barry Gold continues his series “Voices without Borders.” Tonight his theme is “Five Bassos,” celebrating five operatic basses of international acclaim.

Mel Siegel, broadcasting live in Master Control

Barry Gold in WMNR’s Production Studio

Opera hosts Octavio Choy and Peter Shimkin in Production

Opera hosts Octavio Choy and Peter Shimkin in Production. They are also the hosts of the podcast Opera For All. Click here or image below to listen!